Faculty of Exact Sciences, Natural and Life Sciences is one of the largest colleges in the University of Biskra in terms of number of sites, number of professors, number of students, number of departments and number of pedagogical fields. One of the strategic objectives we seek to achieve is, first and foremost, an improvementTeaching and learning through teacher training, curriculum modernization, modernization of teaching methods, delivery methods, provision of all the student needs for decent and clean pedagogical spaces, provision of a strong Internet that allows for the elimination of unnecessary distances between different pedagogical structures, and the gradual introduction of English into teaching important standards from this entry to the creation of the so-called smart university.Nor can I fail to recall that one of the objectives is to provide offices equipped for professors at the level of their departments and to seek a climate of brotherhood and cooperation And serious exchanges between professors, students and workers. One of the goals is also to strive with all the power we have given to find A green college by encouraging the establishment of green spaces at all college locations. Our goal is also to find the formula necessary to ensure The good students in terms of padjagojia escort and field follow-up. One of our goals is also to reach the equivalent ratiosThe universally applicable Pydagojia. In terms of scientific research, we seek to find the missing link between the faculty and the university and the ocean بThe medium of constant communication with the best professors at the international level through seminars, meetings and others. It is also more important to mention the tireless scientific activityThe student clubs, led by the "al-Qunaim" in biology and the "automated media club" of the automated media department, which we seek to encourage and support as much as possible.
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